Web Development: What’s Changed and Where Is It Going?


Just 10 years ago the internet was an entirely different place and smartphones were a thing of the future. At that time, Internet Explorer was still the leading browser for surfing the internet. Back then, development methods were not as advanced as they are in today’s world.

In such a short space of time, both tablets and tons of smartphones took the industry by storm. This advancement left smartphones having browsers that were ten times better than a regular desktop. Due to this, developmental methods have drastically changed to stay ahead of the game.

Why Is It Important to Your Business?

Simply put, riding the developmental curve is very important. The first level of this is preventing your company from being stuck in the olden ways. If you’re planning to remove the image of “stuck in time”, you’ll need to keep up. Doing so gives your customers a better view of who you are.

While some companies still actively require the use of Internet Explorer, how do you think this makes them look? For the most part, both apps and websites should be able to work on just about every platform. Besides the platform, they should be properly integrated to facilitate different devices.

The second reason why this is important is simply all of the advantages that come with it. Within just a couple of years advancement, capabilities, speed, and even several other factors of apps have improved. A web development agency in Hampshire can tell you more about this. In the upcoming future, there will also be many more advantages to benefit from.

As we move on, we’re going to explore the various effects and changes in web development. The following are some of the changes that are expected to evolve within the upcoming years.


Changes in Web Development

Since more and more people indulge heavily in smartphones, several aspects of development have changed. The main one is the expectations of users. This has forced developers to cater to the needs of users where the behaviour of applications changed.

Due to this, there has been a constant shift that moves closer to client-side development. However, in the past, more models based on client-servers were used. In essence, the server was responsible for the heavy lifting.

Since all of this has changed, users have made it known that they require stronger web apps that can put up a fight against desktop and other platforms. Hence, more applications are now being required to transfer to browsers. Some of the more traditional development methods are now being rapidly replaced by Javascript.

According to industry experts, the past couple of years have seen a drastic move away from familiar LAMP stacks and a shift towards Javascript frameworks. Some of the most popular ones are Meteor and React. While these provide easy development, there are still several challenges that exist. However, once it is ramped up, developers can easily work more efficiently and effectively.

With an increase in cyberattacks, attackers are bringing their own style to the game. They are drastically changing the way things are done with 2014 being the record year for attacks. All of this is because developers keep missing crucial security issues, or rather that they did so a long time ago and the industry is still paying for it.

According to significant research, at least 96% of all apps have one vulnerable spot. In the year 2014, the use of HTML5 became an industry standard and has evolved to suit the times. They’ve even added APIs and a ton of new features to properly deal with the issue at hand.

While most companies still use HTML5, they do so simply because special features are delivered by it. These allow just about any app to operate like that of native apps. If you didn’t already think of it, this is extremely important since webpages are all linked to each other on a particular site. However, the issue with this is that pages move much slower on some devices.

Hence, users face quite a handful of complications since they have to wait a  long time for pages to load. This pushes more apps to switch to single page tactics. In the past, using the web was a simple task and all you had to do was open the browser and you’d be connected to the internet.

In today’s world, this isn’t the same anymore and users now need to visit browsers or even apps. As things progress, the lines will be blurred even more because of the Internet of Things. Hence, web development will change entirely and move towards the experience and the data that is transferred to users.